Engineering with AutoCAD
and Adobe After Effects

Communications with Notes

Business with

with Goodnotes6

Design with Procreate

Journalism with Notes
Whatever university throws your way, Mac andiPad have your back. Crush any field ofstudy or side project with exceptional power, battery life and durability you can count on.

Mac and iPad.
Go further.
Power through
tough assignments, blazing fast.Power through tough assignments, blazingfast.
Take on any challenge with exceptional power andspeed.
Applesilicon brings breakthrough performance to everything you do on Mac and iPad. Tear through assignments with lightning-fast processing, advanced machine learning and smooth, snappymultitasking.
Design with Cinema 4D
Superfast wireless.
Connect to the fastest wireless networks when you need to download files, stream movies, collaborate with classmates and upload assignments on thego.
Leave the charger athome with all-day batterylife.1
Leave the charger at home
withall‑day batterylife.Power for hours.
Mac and iPad run as fast on battery as they do plugged in — no need to get to class early for a seat by the power point. Get up to 22hours of battery life on MacBookPro, 18hours on MacBookAir and 10hours oniPad.1
Microsoft. Google.
Work in over a millionapps.Microsoft. Google.
Work in over a millionapps.You can run itall.
All the apps you need for class — including Microsoft 365, Google Workspace for Education, Canvas LMS and MATLAB — are available for Mac andiPad.
Explore Must-Have Apps forUniversity
Business with Microsoft Excel and Canvas LMS
Record, edit anddesign.
Operate your own production house with apps like LogicPro, AbletonLive and FinalCutPro. And bring your best ideas to life using apps like Adobe Creative Suite, Procreate and PixelmatorPro.
Get the ProApps Bundle for Education
Film with FinalCutPro
Ace assignments with built-inapps.
Stay in touch and on task with apps by Apple. Mail, Messages, Reminders and Calendar sync seamlessly across iPhone, Mac and iPad. And Pages, Numbers and Keynote help you create stunning papers and presentations.
Explore Apps by Apple
Biology with Mail, Calendar andReminders
Code new ideas and applications.
Get started in Swift Playgrounds. Develop and distribute apps in Xcode. And build the next big thing in programs like UnityEditor, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Docker andIntelliJIDEA.
Explore Apple developer tools forstudents
App development with Xcode
Mac, iPad and iPhone are bettertogether.
Mac, iPad and iPhone are better together.
All together effortless.
AirDrop, Handoff and Universal Clipboard make it easy to work uninterrupted from one Apple device to the next. And Notes, Messages and other built-in apps are always in sync across Mac, iPhone, iPad and AppleWatch.
Marketing with Notes and Microsoft PowerPoint
The FindMyapp can keep track of all your Apple devices—
even if they’re offline. You can locate lost items using AirTag or FindMy technology. And find friends and family when you share your location.
It all stays private every step of theway.ApplePencil and iPad take notes like noother.
ApplePencil and iPad take notes like noother.
The ultimate studybuddy.
Transform note-taking on iPad with the fluidity and creativity that ApplePencil brings to jotting things down and marking up texts.2 Turn handwriting into typed text, draw and scribble, and stay organised with gorgeous digital planningtools.
Psychology with Goodnotes6
Make multitasking magical.
Make multitasking magical.
Customise your experience with macOS andiPadOS.
Change it up with screen savers, LockScreen wallpaper and interactive widgets. And create multiple Safari profiles to keep browsing separate for topics like Class andPersonal.
Chemistry with Safari and Messages
Split View and StageManager.
macOS and iPadOS are packed with features to maximise your productivity. Organise your workspace with Stage Manager — keep one window front and centre, or arrange multiple apps to work together as a group — and easily switch between projects. Or use Split View to work in two apps side by side at the sametime.
Personal project with Microsoft Excel
Interactive widgets.
Place widgets on your Mac desktop to play music, turn off the lights and more. And customise your LockScreen on iPhone or iPad to display information like the weather, time, date, battery level and upcoming events at aglance.
Focus with fewer distractions.
Customise DoNotDisturb and Sleep settings across your devices and give yourself space to focus — whether it’s time for class or time tochill.
Built to last through spills andthrills.
Built to last through spills andthrills.
Postgraduate toughness.
Mac and iPad are made with recycled aluminium enclosures designed to stand up to pretty muchanything.
Easy, reliable updates.
Free macOS and iPadOS updates deliver the latest features and help keep your devices running smoothly and securely through university and into your professionallife.
AI built in. Intelligent by design.
AI built in. Intelligent by design.
More brains for your buck.
Mac and iPad are the world’s best consumer devices for AI. Applesilicon delivers intelligent features that enhance productivity and creativity, including powerful camera features and visualunderstanding.
App development with Xcode and CoreML
If you can dream it,
Mac can do it.

Do it all lightning-fast
Browse hundreds of tabs and work inmultiple apps with the speed of Applesilicon

Battery life to go all day — andnight
Go for up to 22hours on MacBookPro andup to 18hours on MacBookAir on a singlecharge1

Super-duper durable
Mac is built to last with recycled aluminium enclosures that stand up touniversity and whatever comesnext

Use all the apps you need
Works with software for every course — including apps from Microsoft, Google, Adobe andmore
Touch, draw and type
on one magical device.

Your classroom can be anywhere
iPad is lightweight and portable without giving up incredible performance and all-day batterylife1

Take unforgettable notes
Add ApplePencil to transform note-taking, draw with precision and let your ideasflow2

Your most creative canvas yet
Express your most creative self with a full suite of professional-grade creator tools andapps

Kick back, tune in, game on
A gorgeous display and superfast Wi‑Fi take everything you read, watch and play to the nextlevel
Popular models foruniversity.
Shop Mac for students
MacBookAir 13” and 15”
Strikingly thin and fast
so you can take on almost
any major,anywhere.with educationsavings*
Buy Learn more
M2 or M3 chip
Up to 18 hours battery life so you can leave thecharger athome1
4 ports Two Thunderbolt/USB 4 ports
anda headphone jack to connectaccessoriesStarting at 1.24kg (2.7lb.) to go everywhere
MacBookPro 14” and 16”
The most advanced Mac laptops forthe most power- andgraphics-intensivemajors.
with educationsavings*
Buy Learn more
M3, M3Pro or M3Max chip
Up to 22 hours battery life — the longest of any Mac— so you can go all day andallnight1
Up to 7 ports An array of ports including
uptothree Thunderbolt 4 ports, HDMIport, SDXC card slot andheadphonejackStarting at 1.55kg (3.4lb.) so it won’t weigh youdown
The smallest Mac desktop
with outsized performance formajors fromliberal arts toSTEM.with educationsavings*
Buy Learn more
M2 or M2Pro chip
—Not available
Up to 9 ports Design your dream setup with uptofour Thunderbolt 4 ports, HDMIport, two USB-A ports, headphone jack andEthernet
—Not available
The ultimate all-in-one desktop withastunning 24‑inch display forworking on everything from
film editing to finalpapers.with educationsavings*
Buy Learn more
M3 chip
—Not available
Up to 6 ports Two Thunderbolt/USB 4 ports,
up to two USB 3 ports and a headphone jack to support a
variety ofaccessories—Not available
Explore more details
Shop iPad for students
iPadAir 13” or 11”
Serious performance for most majors in a thin and light design that fits into anybackpack.
with educationsavings*
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Supports ApplePencilPro
Supports ApplePencil (USB‑C)
Starting at 462grams (1.02lb.) to carryeverywhere
iPadPro 13” or 11”
The ultimate iPad experience with the most advanced technology you can take to anylab, field orstudio.
with educationsavings*
Buy Learn more
M4 chip
Supports ApplePencilPro
Supports ApplePencil (USB‑C)
Starting at 444grams
(0.98lb.) with heavyweightcapabilities
Explore more details
Ways to save.
Education savings foruniversity.
Education savings are available exclusively
through the AppleStore.*Shop with Apple educationsavings
Get special savings onAppleCare+.
Save on accidental damage protection and more with education pricing on AppleCare+ for Mac and AppleCare+ foriPad.
Learn more
Some things are justimportant.
Private andsecure. Oncampus andoff.
Every Apple product is built from the ground up to protect your privacy andtogive you the freedom to choose what you share and how you shareit.
Learn more
Accessible for everylearner.
Apple products are designed for everyone. Every device has vision, mobility, hearing and cognitive accessibility features builtin.
Learn more
Designed with
thefuture inmind.From manufacturing materials to energy efficiency, Apple products are designed toreduce our impact on the planet while maximising performance and strength.
Learn more