Don't Call Me Cupcake (The Holloway Girls, #1) (2024)


2,037 reviews888 followers

May 11, 2018

Emma’s family has baked magic infused cupcakes for the small, picturesque town of Pine Cove for generations. Cupcakes to fix what ails, bring contentment, success, or just lift someone’s spirits. Emma is hopping mad when she finds out Hunter Kane, a big city entrepreneur has come to Pine Cove Island to build a competitive business just down the street from her cupcake/sweet shop, and she unknowingly gave him three of her “success” cupcakes. Emma can’t afford to lose any money with her old house in need of urgent repairs, and her ex taking off with her savings. Emma wants Hunter gone! He’s a big city guy who doesn’t appreciate the small-town charms of Pine Cove. But their mutual intense and irresistible attraction has Emma reevaluating her plan of baking a magical “be-gone” cupcake to get rid of him.

Hunter plans on getting his business going, revamping the Pine Cove shops and restaurants and then moving onto his next investment. The feisty, pretty town cupcake baker, Emma, makes him stop and take a closer look, and re-think his plans. The more time he spends with Emma, the more she bewitches him with her beauty and big heart.

Don’t Call Me Cupcake was a sweet, magical romance that made me giggle and swoon. Hunter and Emma knock heads a bit when they first meet, but sparks flew every time they were together! So playful, and fun! I loved the whole magical aspect to the story, from Emma’s special cupcake recipes, to her sentient house that nudged and protected when the need arose. Pine Cove sounded like a quaint, beautiful seaside town, making the story even more charming, and a place I wish I could visit!

I’m eagerly anticipating the next in the series, Don’t Touch My Petunia (love that name, lol!) centering on Emma’s cousin, Juliette, with her own magical gifts. There was a sneak peek at the end that had me wanting to read more!

A copy was kindly provided by Zebra Shout via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This review is also posted at The Readers Den.



1,383 reviews2 followers

February 13, 2020

Not even sure how this one showed up on Goodreads for me ... think I was looking at "small-town" themed books and this pops up. I did enjoy it. Probably 3.75 stars ... and it is only 80 cents! A bargain. A little bit of "magic" thrown in (which I wouldn't be a huge fan of) but it does not detract from the story. Sexy hero. Strong heroine. Cute dog (although he was a little too much of a fart of a thing for me (not a BIG dog, like MY real dog!) Cast of supporting characters who we will read about in other books, I am sure. You would sure get a hankering for a sweet, sugary cupcake after reading this one!

Don't Call Me Cupcake (The Holloway Girls, #1) (3)
Don't Call Me Cupcake (The Holloway Girls, #1) (4)
Don't Call Me Cupcake (The Holloway Girls, #1) (5)
Don't Call Me Cupcake (The Holloway Girls, #1) (6)
Don't Call Me Cupcake (The Holloway Girls, #1) (7)
Don't Call Me Cupcake (The Holloway Girls, #1) (8)

Seana Kelly

Author15 books329 followers

March 18, 2018

Loved! This author has just jumped on to my 'Must Pre-order All Books' list <3
Once I started reading, I didn't want to stop. The story is set in a gorgeous, island town in northwest Washington (Puget Sound area). Emma is a kitchen witch who can bake spells into her cupcakes (and OMG, the cupcake descriptions! My mouth was watering for most of the book). Hunter comes to town for purely business reasons (property investment). Emma offers him a Sweet Success cupcake (spelled for success in business) not realizing his new restaurant will likely put her little cupcake shop out of business. Emma and her cousin Juliette, whose talents are with growing things (and who will be featured in the next book), work together combining their magical talents to try to make Hunter leave town. As Hunter and Emma already share a strong attraction, their plans will likely go awry ;)

It's all just so freaking charming! The characters (primary and secondary), the story, the setting, the puppy, I wanted desperately to step into the book and live amongst them all.

Sheets is a debut author but you would never guess. Her prose is beautiful and funny (I highlighted many lines) and the story is a perfect gem. Don't Call Me Cupcake will join the ranks of my favorites that must be reread regularly. I can't want to visit all these characters again in Juliette's story! Hopefully, I'll get to keep visiting Pine Cove for years to come <3


1,321 reviews22 followers

March 21, 2018

OK I don't fancy the cover but I LOVED this book!

Emma bakes cupcakes and they are magical. She lives in a sentient house (!) and has a shop called Fairy Cakes.
Hunter just bought restaurant space nearby and it threatens her livelihood. And she accidentally sold him Sweet Succes cupcakes!

I could not put the book down and was miffed when real life kept disturbing my reading. I liked so many aspects of the story. It has a small town setting, a lovely heroine with magical powers and a handsome investor who needs to realize there is more to life than earning money and having success.

The secondary characters were interesting as well. Emma's cousin Juliette has her own gift (and her own book next). I thought the story was really well thought out. There are no descriptive sex scenes but the book doesn't need those to convey the attraction between Emma and Hunter!

I really look forward to the next book!!

I requested and received an ARC via Netgalley and this is my honest and voluntary review. I fortunately recognized the author's name as the winner of a RITA Golden Heart award for this book in 2016 (why did it took so long to publish?)

    first-in-series magic netgalley


18 reviews1 follower

March 17, 2018

I have so much love in my heart for this book!! It’s totally my favorite catnip! A quaint, sleepy coastal town [check] a strong, funny, vulnerable heroine [check] a hot, Alpha male who learns to love [check] an adorable dog I wish I could pull off the pages [check] a magical family with a sentient house [check] quirky, charming, fully realized secondary characters [check] cupcakes [CHECK]

I loved Emma and Hunter’s story! I read it all in one day (ignoring house and kids—don’t judge me!) because I couldn’t put it down.

Dang, now I have to wait until the fall for Juliette’s story:( Hurry up Sept 25th!!!

Minerva Spencer

Author51 books1,600 followers

April 24, 2018

It's not often that a house steals the show in a romance--or in any book--but that's what happened in Sheets's debut novel. I LOVED the house. I want the house.

Okay, enough about the house and back to the book....

Emma's baked goods come with secret ingredients and the fun starts when she sells the wrong magic to Hunter, who winds up being her competitor. Enemies to lovers is one of my all-time-favorite tropes and Sheets handles it with some magic of her own!

This was a fun, romantic, page-turning book from beginning to end. I thought maybe the characters might be too "sweet" but Sheets delivers sweetness with humor and clever charm that keeps anyone from being saccharine. And let's face it--Hunter is a hottie, so he can be as sweet as he wants...

I don't usually read "paranormal" romances, or romances with magical elements, but I found this done so well I could actually believe in the power of Emma's magical food.

In addition to the very amusing house there is Juliette, Emma's sister, who gets center stage in the next book. I liked Juliette as much as Emma and can't wait for her story.

One warning: Make sure you are well-armed with snacks before you start this book because you won't want to put it down to go in search of baked goods!!!


140 reviews11 followers

March 19, 2018

I received Don’t Call Me Cupcake by Tara Sheets through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Emma runs a bakery Fairy Cakes on Pine Cove Island. Her cupcakes aren’t just delicious, they are magic. Because the Holloways are special, they have ‘gifts’, and Emma’s gift is based on cooking. Her cousin, Juliette, her magic is in gardening.
Hunter Kane is from Seattle, he finds Pine Cove the perfect place to open his new location. Emma gives him three Success Cupcakes to help him succeed while she’s here, only she doesn’t know what his business is. Which happens to sell cakes and pastries. Her new competition, and now shes forced to work together on the summer festival with Hunter. Emma and Julie decide to combine their magical talents to make a ‘Go Away’ cupcake, so Hunter will leave an never return. Only...does Emma really want that.
This was such a sweet story, I loved ever second of it. All the characters were a hoot, even Bethany. I can’t wait to read more about Pine Cove and will be looking for Juliette’s story!!!


1,022 reviews321 followers

June 26, 2020


Magical realism in a traditional genre romance? I'd never seen it before, but you can bet that I added Tara Sheets' debut novel to my to-read list as soon as I heard about it. This is really and truly as if Sarah Addison Allen started writing genre romances instead of romance-adjacent women's fiction—which I honestly also enjoy, no shade intended. If that's your thing, then you're in luck!

Taking place on a small island off the coast of Washington, this book is full of the usual small town charm that many readers of contemporary romance love. Quaint shops, nosy neighbors, and a friendly, down-to-earth vibe suffuse the first few chapters of Don't Call Me Cupcake. Then you meet the female protagonist, Emma, who owns a struggling bakery on the waterfront. She sells cupcakes, but these are special cupcakes! (No, not like Special Brownies.) These sweet treats are baked with charms that create subtle, magical effects in those who eat them: a good night's sleep, a confidence boost, etc. The hero, Hunter, is a big city dude with a massive ego, and Sheets perfectly sets up an enemies-to-lovers trope. Everything's set, and I was ready to go. Overall, the first half of the book seems cute and light and breezy, just the right kind of book for lazy weekends or rainy afternoons.


Tara Sheets writes as if she hates women.

Truly, I would have liked Don't Call Me Cupcake had it not been for the author's absolutely unchecked misogyny, which emerges in the second half of the novel. With a vengeance. As ever: if you have to tear other women down in order to build your protagonist up, you're not doing a great job writing.

Heroine Emma is pitted against a legion of the town's local "slu*tty women" in competition for Hero Hunter's attention and love. These woman are the same Mean Girls who bullied Emma in high school, and they've now morphed into makeup obsessed sexual predators. Yikes! Casting women as adversaries in this way, where they're literally fighting over some useless whitebread he-man, is so reductive. This is how Tara Sheets views women. Not to mention that Hunter's Evil Ex is evil because: (1) she really wanted to succeed in her job as a corporate attorney; and (2) she got accidentally pregnant and had an abortion.

So the message there is what, exactly? It's bad to be career focused as a woman? (Especially a lawyer: those are always villainous.) And also, it's bad to make responsible choices about your own uterus—better to just gestate and raise a kid you never even wanted because that's more "womanly"? And if you like makeup and a good org*sm, keep that locked down so you don't scare men off? Give me a f*cking break.

Check out the scene, in which Emma and her cousin, Juliette, are discussing one of the Evil Women:

"I bet Hunter is already slipping in a puddle of Bethany's drool right now," Juliette said, snapping Emma's attention, mid-mantra.

A shriek of laughter pierced the air and Juliette groaned. "There she is, Madame Boobs-a-Lot." Another ear-piercing shriek. "Singing the song of her people."

Bethany Andrews was chatting with Hunter near the bar. She wore a lime green wrap dress that showcased her impressive cleavage and perfect tan. Surrounding them were a few of Bethany's minions, every one of them glued to whatever Hunter was saying.

And of course, against this backdrop of Bad Women is Emma, pure and simple and sweet. She's beautiful without even trying. She's ambitious but not aggressively so. Her only fault is that she's so nice, she let her abusive ex-fiancé take advantage of her.Don't Call Me Cupcake holds its heroine (and her cousin) up as the ideal of womanly virtue, and in the process puts down all other female characters. Implicitly, we as readers come to understand what kind of woman "deserves" a Happily Ever After, according to the author's narrative.

The message? Don't be sexual, don't be ambitious, don't provide for your own future.

The fact that this won a Golden Heart from RWA in 2016 is just another signal that the entire org needs to get tossed into the dumpster. This anti-woman hell is the best the romance genre has to offer?

Not likely.

The magical realism aspects were nice, though.

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    genre-magical-realism genre-romance-contemporary read-in-2020

Randee Green

Author7 books76 followers

April 6, 2018

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

You're definitely going to want to eat at least one cupcake after reading DON'T CALL ME CUPCAKE - especially if it is one of the special, magical cupcakes that main character Emma Holloway bakes. DON'T CALL ME CUPCAKE is a contemporary romance novel by Tara Sheets. It is her debut novel, and it will be published on April 24, 2018 by Zebra Shouts. The novel is the first in the Holloway Girls series.

Emma Holloway - as well as all of the Holloway women - are special. Emma has the ability to bakes wishes into the cupcakes that she sells at her bakery. Things are going okay for Emma and Fairy Cakes is on the small Pine Cove Island near Seattle - she's behind on her mortgage, the house is starting to fall apart, and she's got a lot of bills to pay. Emma is counting on the influx of tourists during the summer months to keep her afloat. Then Hunter Kane shows up in town to open up a new restaurant that will be selling all sorts of pastries and baked goods. Hunter's restaurant, Haven, is a serious threat to Emma and Fairy Cakes. And, before she knows who he is, Emma sells him three of her Sweet Success cupcakes. The last thing Emma wants is for Hunter to succeed - mainly she just wants him to leave town and never come back. The good thing is that Emma has a recipe for that! With the help of her cousin, Juliette, Emma plans to bake a cupcake that will send Hunter from her life, and from Pine Cove Island.

DON'T CALL ME CUPCAKE is a fun, sexy contemporary romance with a magical twist. Emma's ability to bake wishes into her cupcakes is an intriguing aspect. And Hunter is a great leading man - he has commitment and intimacy issues that he needs to overcome. Emma initially sees Hunter as the enemy - his restaurant is a threat to her livelihood - but even as she falls in love with him, she remains true to herself. The secondary characters are also intriguing. Emma's sleazy ex-boyfriend acts as a great foil against Hunter. The ex-boyfriend also adds another complication to Emma's life and her budding relationship with Hunter. Emma's cousin, Juliette, has a special talent that helps her grow flowers and make natural products like soaps and potions. Juliette will make a great leading lady in the second Holloway Girls novel, DON'T TOUCH MY PETUNIAS. Pine Cove Island sounds like a wonderful place, and it makes the perfect backdrop for the story. Oh, and did I mention that there's a puppy? Because there's a puppy...and cupcakes. Yummy, delicious sounding cupcakes.


1,122 reviews

April 14, 2018

There's a very special kind of sweetness to life on Pine Cove Island . . .

Most families have a favorite recipe or two, handed down through generations. The Holloway women are a little different. Emma Holloway, like her grandmother before her, bakes wishes into her delicious cupcakes, granting the recipient comfort, sweet dreams, or any number of good things. It's a strange gift, but it brings only happiness. Until gorgeous, smooth-talking newcomer Hunter Kane strolls into her shop, Fairy Cakes--and Emma makes the mistake of selling him not one, but three Sweet Success cupcakes.

Hunter, it turns out, is opening a fancy new restaurant and bakery right on the waterfront--Emma's competition. To make matters worse, the town committee has decided to split the upcoming summer festival contract between the two, forcing Emma to work with her nemesis. But she can't afford to split her profits. The solution: create a recipe that will make Hunter leave town permanently.

The Holloway charms are powerful. But there are other kinds of magic in the world--like red-hot first kisses, secret glances, and the feeling that comes with falling truly, madly, inconveniently in love . . .

--My thoughts. Magical! I love food in a book, and a dusting of magic, yes please! This book was so adorable, I couldn't put it down. I actually kept putting it down to tell a coworker what happened next, because face it, sometimes books are so good, you can't help but share, as if they are local friends perhaps!

Emma finds out the handsome man who she gave a cupcake to that perhaps gave him great success could be her rival in the baking world. How could this happen? Now she needs to make a cupcake to get him to leave forever. I won't spoil it, but Emma and her fun loving cousin Juliette are two of my favorite people! I can't wait for Juliette's story next.

I think one of the most wonderful details of this story happened to be the magical house. I think it's awesome knowing if people are keepers or not, and what the inhabitants might really need! Everyone needs a little magical dust in their lives, and you won't want to leave Pine Cove Island any time soon!



15 reviews

April 1, 2018

Don't Call Me Cupcake is fantastic! A really fun book if you're looking for something heartwarming and whimsical and, I guess you could say, *sweet* lol. The chemistry between Emma and Hunter really kept me going and the side characters are so funny. Lots of laugh-out-loud moments. And OMG I loved the house!!! I received an ARC of this book and read it in a day and a half. It's one of those feel good stories that stays with you for a while. One of the better romance books I have read in 2018. I can't wait for book 2 with Juliette's story!



3,084 reviews37 followers

May 5, 2018

Publisher's Description:

There’s a very special kind of sweetness to life on Pine Cove Island . . .

Most families have a favorite recipe or two, handed down through generations. The Holloway women are a little different. Emma Holloway, like her grandmother before her, bakes wishes into her delicious cupcakes, granting the recipient comfort, sweet dreams, or any number of good things. It’s a strange gift, but it brings only happiness. Until gorgeous, smooth-talking newcomer Hunter Kane strolls into her shop, Fairy Cakes—and Emma makes the mistake of selling him not one, but three Sweet Success cupcakes.

Hunter, it turns out, is opening a fancy new restaurant and bakery right on the waterfront—Emma’s competition. To make matters worse, the town committee has decided to split the upcoming summer festival contract between the two, forcing Emma to work with her nemesis. But she can’t afford to split her profits. The solution: create a recipe that will make Hunter leave town permanently.

The Holloway charms are powerful. But there are other kinds of magic in the world—like red-hot first kisses, secret glances, and the feeling that comes with falling truly, madly, inconveniently in love . . .

My Thoughts:

This debut novel is a can't put down read that makes you want more!
I read mostly Historical romance and fiction but I do enjoy an occasional contemporary romance.

This book has so many enjoyable elements that make it a page turner without any graphic sex scenes. It is therefore suitable for a younger audience. It could easily be read by a teenager.This
Emma is the perfect heroine with her inherited magical ability to bake sweet dreams into her cupcakes.After Emma finds out she has sold not just one but there of her precious cupcakes to a man who is likely going to put her out of business by opening an upscale restaurant and bakery in the neighborhood, she goes .bal·lis·tic. The man is threatening her livelihood after all.
After Emma finds out she has sold not just one but there of her precious cupcakes to a man who is likely going to put her out of business by opening an upscale restaurant and bakery in the neighborhood, she goes ballistic.
The man is threatening her livelihood after all.

Hunter is her perfect opposite with his cynical nature developed by his past and living style. He can't understand this small town way of thinking.

Hunter finds himself drawn to Emma in spite of her dislike of being forced to work with him on the festival committee.

How is it that Emma is attracted to her enemy?

I gave this book 4.5 of 5.0 stars for storyline and characterization and a sensual rating of 2 of 5 flames. Without the need for any graphic sex this book is simply delightful.

I received a complimentary digital ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley to read and review.
This in no way affected my opinion of this book which I read and reviewed voluntarily.

Marsha Keeper Bookshelf

4,290 reviews85 followers

April 26, 2018

Reviewed at Keeper Bookshelf

Okay, I’m hooked. I’m not even going to lead into the “I’m hooked” part of this review. I adored just about everything about this charmed romance (grin) and I cannot wait to get my reading hands on the next story in this series. So, yeah, this one is a story that I’ll re-read just for the fun of it in those moments when I need that kind of lift.

Emma and Hunter are so right together. That special kind of magic when two souls know each other but circ*mstances are going to make getting together a challenge, add some charmed magic, a want to smother in hugs puppy and great secondary characters and you have a story that will capture any Paranormal Romance or Contemporary Romance reader’s imagination and attention.

Frankly, I’d love to talk about Don’t Call Me Cupcake but the story blurb already tells you a lot about this story… and I do not want to risk taking away the fun of this magically intriguing romance. I had a great time in this world, the characters are lively and realistic, the banter between Emma and Hunter is full of funny moments and emotional longing, their house – oh, my word, wait til you read about the house. No, zipping lips right now. If you love anything magical then I strongly suggest you check out Tara Sheets’ universe. It’s a really good story with characters you’ll enjoy… and the promise of more to come. I’d recommend this story and will keep my eyes wide open for the release of Don’t Touch My Petunia (I love these titles) due out Fall of 2018. I’ve just added another author to my favorites list.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

    contemporary-romance keeper-bookshelf paranormal-romance


724 reviews12 followers

April 16, 2018

NB: I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. A massive thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley!

Wow! I really enjoyed this novel. Tara Sheets has really worked her own *magic* into writing two main characters that share some major chemistry and just a beautiful relationship. Hunter and Emma really had an *interesting* start to their relationship, particularly with the whole Sweet Success cupcakes and the road to the Go Away cupcakes. That road kind of became a little lost in the whole heated chemistry and the 'love spell' storyline. Not that I'm complaining...

Emma was a great character. Headstrong, always wanting to help others, and an utter romantic, she was the perfect match for someone like Hunter. I loved how they ended up trying to make their relationship work, and Hunter realized how much of a douche he was unintentionally being.

however, the whole Rodney storyline and particularly the few scenes towards the end were a bit *meh*. It seemed a bit too dramatic and while I understand what Tara Sheets was trying to do, I just wasn't the biggest fan of it. It was cute don't get me wrong, but I felt it was a bit overly dramatic.

Overall, however, I really enjoyed this novel, and I am incredibly excited to read her next novel focussing on Juliette, particularly after reading the excerpt!


Kathleen Gray

10.6k reviews176 followers

April 14, 2018

This is the perfect book for when you need a pick me up! Emma bakes magical cupcakes in a lovely town in the Puget Sound area. Hunter looks so good that she makes him a very special one- and then she discovers that he will be her competition! Well, you know what's going to happen but Sheets has done a terrific job of creating two lovely characters who dance around each other until things work out. Emma's cousin Juliette is also a treat with some magic of her own. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This is nicely plotted light entertainment and I'm looking forward to more of the Holloway girls!


3,898 reviews50 followers

April 20, 2018

Don't Call Me Cupcake is as sweet and magical as the icing on a cupcake. Emma Holloway is struggling to make ends meet. She bakes a little magic into every cupcake she makes but she needs a little magic in her life. When hunky Hunter Kane walks into her shop she thinks he may just be the magic her heart needs. That is until she finds out that he is opening a competing business. Will the Holloway magic be enough to keep her in business? Fans of Angie Fox and Jill Shalvis will love Don't Call Me Cupcake. Looking forward to Juliettes story.

Isha Coleman

7,743 reviews154 followers

April 22, 2018

Like the characters she creates, Sheets strives to spread happiness with her confectionery brand of sunshine. Don't Call Me Cupcake is an ideal introduction to an at times kooky, yet always light hearted series. A gesture of kindness sparks a professional rivalry and an irresistible romance. Tara Sheets' and her Holloway Girls will definitely put a little love in your heart, even as they tempt readers with sugary sweetness.

    first-reads netgalley

Elaine - Splashes Into Books

3,664 reviews121 followers

April 28, 2018

Rating 4.5/5*
This is a heartwarming, magical, tasty romantic treat with lovely characters in a delightful island community setting.

The magical element comes from the Holloway Girls, both of whom have very different magical abilities. Emma's skill is in creating cupcakes that gift the person eating it with beneficial effects, such as sweet dreams, feeling well, bliss or success - the effects are always positive. Unfortunately Emma gives not one but three of her success cakes to the handsome stranger who has eaten them before she discovers he's going to open a restaurant that could mean the end of her 'Fairy Cakes' business..... After this inauspicious introduction, she then finds out that she has to work with him and share in the preparations for the summer festival - but she's almost destitute and can't afford to share!

With dilemmas like this around and her home in urgent need of repair, Emma and her cousin decide to create a cupcake that will make him want to leave and to stay away. However, when a jasmine charm spills and attraction between Emma and Hunter grows, who knows what mischief her sentient home, an unwanted puppy, her ex-boyfriend and love can cause! Add in the great range of island characters and they're definitely the ingredients for recipe for a magical story to escape into! I'll definitely be looking out for future stories in this series.

I requested and was given a copy of this novel, via NetGalley, with no obligation. This is my honest review of the book after choosing to read it.

    2018 adult authors-to-look-out-for

Chris Conley

974 reviews11 followers

October 10, 2019

This is a fun series.


528 reviews

April 8, 2018

Emma bakes wishes into her cupcakes that come true for the one who eats them. When a hot stranger comes into her shop, she sells him 3 sweet success cupcakes not realizing he is her competitor.
Hunter is in Pine Cove Island to expand his business, and opening a restaurant with a bakery is the first step in his plans.
Don’t call me cupcake is a sweet and enchanting read. The characters primary and secondary are endearing with their quirky and unique characteristics. Emma and her cousin Juliette are laugh out loud funny in their attempts to make Hunter leave Pine Cone. The chemistry between Emma and Hunter is hot. I loved reading this book and look forward to more from the author.


3,434 reviews573 followers

September 22, 2018

3.25 stars
This was a decent enough contemp read with a small PNR element, h has little kitchen magic. The book features fade to black love scenes and I felt the romance element needed more fleshing out. H comes into h's town looking to open a business that will be in competition with h's bakery putting her financial security in jeopardy (especially since her ex ran off with all her money). So, she vows to run him out of town but of course we are told they have chemistry (it was more tell & than show honestly). H of course thinks that h would be happy for him to swoop in, fix her life and be with him long-distance. I don't know I felt h/H were lacking an emotional connect but I did find potential in the author's writing, so I will give her another shot.

    read-in-2018 rom-contemporary single-titles

Kenny Danewitz raveh

580 reviews33 followers

March 22, 2019

A sweet,kind of a different, sparkly, magical read.
Really enjoyed it.

nick (the infinite limits of love)

2,120 reviews1,526 followers

May 7, 2018


Well wasn't that the most charming book I've read in a long time! I've been in a bit of a slump lately in that I have no motivation to read, but Don't Call Me Cupcake entirely enamored me from start to finish. You're going to want to add this one to your TBRs, friends!

The entire concept of Don't Call Me Cupcake was so unique. It was refreshing to read something different in the romance genre and Tara Sheets certainly knew how to deliver. The Holloway girls are known on Pine Cove Island for their gifts. The heroine, Emma Holloway, can bake charmed cupcakes. Her bakery has a cupcake for everything ranging from a luck-bringer to a hangover-cure! I love how important Emma's gift was to her. It was a tie to her grandmother and she was proud of her abilities. Emma was a great heroine. She was the kind of heroine I actually want so badly to be real so I can befriend her. She has got a heart of gold and she was always willing to help the people around her. She was also incredibly devoted and hardworking. Even when life wasn't entirely rosy for her, she made the best of what she can. At the start of Don't Call Me Cupcake, she was battling with financial issues as her jerk of a fiance had run away with all of her savings. Despite her shabby situation, she was willing to do everything she could to save her family's home and legacy.

Enter Hunter Kane. He was a big city fellow in town opening up a fancy restaurant, which had the potential to steal Emma's business and leave her in even more despair. Gahh! I just love heroes like Hunter. He started off in the book being this stoic, stubborn and very goal-oriented man, but as he got to know Pine Cove and its residents, a different side of him emerged. He grew a soft spot for Emma and found himself being completely enchanted by Emma and her fieriness around him, which forced him to be a better version of himself. There were times when I wanted to shake Hunter by the shoulders because he would make some dumb mistake, but this was a guy with honest and pure intentions. Plus, he was someone who learned from his mistakes, which made him even more attractive in my eyes. Besides Emma and Hunter, I also loved each and every one of the secondary characters in Don't Call Me Cupcake. Juliette, Emma's cousin who happened to have an affinity for plants, was the best. I loved the close-knit bond between these two women. Then there was Buddy, the cute little puppy who wreaks havoc in Emma's life, but the good kind. And I was also a big fan of Emma's sentient house - yes, you read that right! All of the secondary characters and elements in the book only served to amplify my delight.

The romance between Emma and Hunter in Don't Call Me Cupcake was a rivals-to-more romance. As you can imagine, there was a hint of animosity between the two, understandably so! However, fate has something else in store for them. As they keep running across each other, their attraction continued to grow. I loved loved loved the two of them together. Anytime they were in a scene together I was just grinning like a fool. They were just so adorable. I loved how even though the sex scenes in Don't Call Me Cupcake happened behind the scenes, the chemistry between Emma and Hunter was always prevalent. I was telling Nereyda this, but I actually appreciated the lack of steamy scenes because I was starting to get bored with the abundance of them in some of the books I was reading. Anyways, I digress. The romance was just really really good and it's one reason I devoured this story.

Don't Call Me Cupcake was an instant 2018 favorite for me. I will certainly be going back and re-reading this one in the future. While I wait for Juliette's book, which also promises to be amazing from that snippet at the end of this book, I hope you guys will check out Don't Call Me Cupcake. I promise you'll fall in love with Pine Cove Island in all its charming package.



6,601 reviews149 followers

September 13, 2018

In the small town of Pine Cove, the Holloway family have been known for their magic for generations. Emma’s family has baked magic infused cupcakes to fix what ails, bring contentment, success, or lift someone’s spirits. Emma meets a new, handsome man in town and sells him her "success" cupcakes. He eats all three, before Emma finds out that he is Hunter Kane, a big city entrepreneur who has come to Pine Cove Island to build a competitive business near her cupcake/sweet shop. Emma can’t afford to lose any business as money is very tight. Her old house is in need of urgent repairs, her mortgage is past due, and she can't pay her rent on her shop. Emma wants Hunter gone, so she and her cousin plan to whip up a cupcake that will make him want to leave. Unfortunately, their intense and irresistible attraction to one another has Emma reevaluating her plan of baking a magical “be-gone” cupcake to get rid of him.

Don’t Call Me Cupcake was a sweet, magical romance that I really enjoyed. Hunter and Emma knock heads a bit when they first meet, but sparks flew every time they were together. They were fun together and even though there was a mutual attractions, they were careful and did not rush into a physical relationship. I loved the magical aspect to the story. We had Emma's special cupcakes, Juliet's magic with plants and flowers and the house itself. Things were moved and found all over the place and always when they were needed. The story itself was sweet, with wonderful townspeople, some good character building, some angst, missteps, and even an ex-boyfriend who causes some problems. Pine Cove sounded like a quaint, beautiful seaside town, making the story even more charming, and a place I would love to visit. I really enjoy the Holloway Girls and look forward to reading Juliet's story in the next book in this series coming out later this month.

    adult-fiction audio magic

Amy Lynn

170 reviews3 followers

June 24, 2018

This was a quick read filled with magic and romance. You feel a connection with the small shore town and the quirky characters that reside there.

Samantha (WLABB)

3,781 reviews275 followers

September 25, 2018

I loved this book! It's like a Hallmark movie, but with sexy bits.

Fantastic small town romance, with a hero and heroine I immediately bought into PLUS a little touch of magic. The ending was so adorable. Yeah, you know I cried some happy tears.

I am looking forward to seeing Juliette get her HEA in the next book.


    adult audiobooks romance


4,079 reviews82 followers

April 30, 2018

Emma and Juliet Holloway are the last left on Pine Cove Island, cousins with a special magical inheritance (if not much money). Emma is known on the island as a baker of some talent: her cupcakes sold at her shop Fairy Cakes bring hope, healing, peace and determination to those lucky enough to sample them. When Hunter appears in the shop, she offers him the cupcake she feels will best help him in his endeavors, a cupcake that brings success. It isn’t until she discovers that he’s the owner of the new restaurant that will cause her struggling bakery even more problems, that she discovers her mistake.

It’s been a struggle with dwindling profits, a house that is falling down around her, and now, a new puppy that her cousin Juliette has dropped off. With the upcoming summer festival, source of her plans to pay off both a mortgage, her shop rent and perform necessary repairs now a joint venture between her and Hunter – she’s convinced that no good can come of this, no matter how intriguing the man is.

Throughout the story, we are treated to Emma’s reliance on routine and specific information: a mother with wanderlust, an unknown father, a childhood as one of the ‘weird” kids, and the struggles with her business, relationships with anyone but her very opinionated house aren’t in Emma’s plans. But Hunter makes all of those worries dim….. at least momentarily, even as she and Juliette with her ‘plant magic’ are planning a special cupcake to encourage Hunter to move on and far far away.

So damn cute and adorable, especially with the sentient house that has very decided and definite opinions about the people in Emma’s life. And that connection with Hunter, that they both are determined to ignore, until they can’t ignore the pull…. Both Hunter and Emma, with a tiny bit of advice and pushing from other townspeople, finally come to their senses in the most dramatic ways possible. But, it’s the sweetness of their interactions (when they aren’t bickering), and the electric chemistry that mixes with the wondrous magical moments that weave through the recipes, the plants, and even the island. A lovely start to a new series – and plenty of fun for those who want a different flavor of bakery story.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appeared at I am, Indeed

    2018-challenges crrc debut-author-reading-challenge

Ann Lorz

1,674 reviews22 followers

May 2, 2018

Reviewed for Romancing the Readers Blog: https://romancingthereaders.blogspot....

I am so happy that I decided to read Don't Call Me Cupcake. I first decided to do so when I read the title, I could I not? I just thought between the cover and title it had to be good. Lucky for me I was right. Could you see me getting all excited to read it and it turning out to be a dud?

That would have sucked.

When I choice this one to review I didn't bother reading a blurb to see what it was about. I figured from the title and cover it was about a baker and I was right...sort of. Emma is so much more then just a baker. She's also a witch. With her cupcakes she's able to do wonderful things like, change the weather and make people feel good. Fun right!

Her family have been on Pine Cove Island for a very long time. Most people love them but not everyone. Haters all the way.

More often then not when I read a book I'm usually always in it for the hero, most likely because I'm a woman so it's a opposite sex thing. Often I don't care for the heroine, maybe I should have said sometimes. But in this book I loved Emma but Hunter drove me crazy.

He was such a smart clueless man. Like I said, he drove me crazy. Even when he was doing something for the right reasons he handled it wrong. Poor Hunter couldn't catch a break. Mostly of his own doing. He didn't want to see what was important right in front of him. Until his eyes were open you wanted to shake him.

Happily he took Emma's abilities in stride. He also didn't get freaked out about her house. Yep, things happen with her house but I think you should enjoy those facts on your own. For the most part this is a sweet, magical story that sucks you in. You want to be on this island. Talk about magical here's a funny one for you, this is the second time I set up this review. The first time something happened and everyone disappeared, I had to do everything over including the review. The one shining part is that this review is much better then the one I wrote first.

Magic? No clue!

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ARC received for a honest review

    baker business-owner businessman

Anne - Books of My Heart

3,388 reviews204 followers

April 24, 2018

This review was originally posted on Books of My Heart

I received this book for free from NetGalley for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Anytime there is cooking involved with the main character as a baker, chef or restaurant owner, I have to consider reading. Magic is my favorite speculative fiction. So I easily convinced myself to read Don't Call Me Cupcake.

The setting is a small waterfront town in the pacific Northwest. There are some old families, including the Holloways and some quirky people, as well as plenty of small businesses. Emma is the baker with a specialty in cupcakes. She's kind, generous and talented. She's also had some troubles and has an ex-fiance who was a big mistake. Emma continues to work hard and do her best. I totally want some of her cupcakes!

Hunter comes to town as a real estate developer and opening a new waterfront restaurant and bakery. He will be competition to Emma and he seems to be only about the money. They have to work together on the food part of the summer festival, so they get to know each other. Hunter and Emma are attracted even though they don't want to be.

The standard of the rich guy and the girl down on her luck and in trouble financially is not my favorite and is all too common. These characters were likable and even the townspeople were well drawn enough to make a fun story. Overall, they work things out with a few ups and downs. The town and its festival are interesting as we get to know the folks here. I loved the magic and Emma's house and her dog, Buddy.

I look forward to the next story in The Holloway Girls series in September and after reading the first chapter of Don't Touch My Petunia, expect some fireworks as Emma's cousin Juliette clashes with an old high school crush returning to town. Plus there's more I want to learn about this family and the town.

Don't Call Me Cupcake (The Holloway Girls, #1) (35)

    2018 7arcs

Jessica Robbins

2,593 reviews46 followers

June 15, 2018

*I received a free copy of this book which I voluntarily chose to write an honest review for.

This is the cutest magical romance novel. Meet Emma Holloway who possesses baking magic which she uses in her cupcake shop. She also has the most awesome house ever and I really need one of those!! Emma is struggling financially and just when she thinks things can't get worse a new guy swoops in to open a competing business. She is determined that she will run him off instead and what follows is hilarious as they fight their attraction while being on opposite sides. Just when it looks like things are gonna work out he makes a really bad suggestion that they have to fix. Add a touch of drama and you end up with a romance novel that you really do not want to put down as they find their way toward one another. If you enjoy romance with a magical touch then this is the book for you. I look forward to the cousins story in book two. I really liked it so I give it 4/5 stars.

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Don't Call Me Cupcake (The Holloway Girls, #1) (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.